templates/website/main.template.html.twig line 109

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  1. {% from 'utils.html.twig' import imgUpload %}
  2. <!DOCTYPE html>
  3. <html>
  4.     <head>
  5.         <meta charset="UTF-8">
  6.         {% block title %}
  7.             <title>{{ client.brand }} - {{ client.slogan }}</title>
  8.             <meta name="title" content="{{ client.brand }} - {{ client.slogan }}">
  9.             <meta property="og:title" content="{{ client.brand }} - {{ client.slogan }}">
  10.         {% endblock %}
  11.         {% block meta %}
  12.             {# OPEN GRAPH #}
  13.             {% set pathImageDefault = getFilePathComplete({
  14.                 fileName:  getConfig('image_default'),
  15.                 pathConst: enum('AbstractEnum::PATH_OTHERS'),
  16.                 addUpload: enum('AbstractEnum::YES')
  17.             }) %}
  18.             <meta property="og:image" content="https:{{ pathImageDefault.pathCdn }}">
  19.             <meta name="description" content="{{ client.description }}">
  20.             <meta property="og:description" content="{{ client.description }}">
  21.         {% endblock %}
  22.         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no user-scalable=0">
  23.         {% block metaIndex %}
  24.             <meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
  25.         {% endblock %}
  27.         {% block manifest %}
  28.             <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
  30.             {% if favicon %}
  31.                 <meta name="msapplication-square70x70logo"   content="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-3">
  32.                 <meta name="msapplication-square150x150logo" content="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-4">
  33.                 <meta name="msapplication-wide310x150logo"   content="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-5">
  34.             {% endif %}
  36.             <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> 
  37.             <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
  38.             <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="{{ client.description }}">
  39.             {% if favicon %}
  40.                 <link href="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-7"  media="(device-width: 320px)  and (device-height: 568px)  and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)" rel="apple-touch-startup-image">
  41.                 <link href="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-8"  media="(device-width: 375px)  and (device-height: 667px)  and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)" rel="apple-touch-startup-image">
  42.                 <link href="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-9"  media="(device-width: 621px)  and (device-height: 1104px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)" rel="apple-touch-startup-image">
  43.                 <link href="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-10" media="(device-width: 375px)  and (device-height: 812px)  and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)" rel="apple-touch-startup-image">
  44.                 <link href="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-11" media="(device-width: 768px)  and (device-height: 1024px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)" rel="apple-touch-startup-image">
  45.                 <link href="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-12" media="(device-width: 834px)  and (device-height: 1112px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)" rel="apple-touch-startup-image">
  46.                 <link href="{{ favicon }}?option=manifest-13" media="(device-width: 1024px) and (device-height: 1366px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)" rel="apple-touch-startup-image">
  47.             {% endif %}
  48.         {% endblock %}
  50.         <link rel="sitemap" href="/sitemap.xml">
  51.         <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ favicon ? favicon ~ '?option=favicon' : faviconCdn }}">
  52.         <meta name="theme-color" content="{{ getConfig('primary_color') }}">
  53.         {% block stylesheets %}
  54.             {# CONFIG THEME #}
  55.             <style type="text/css" nonce="{{ nonceHash }}">
  56.                 {% block theme_css %}
  57.                     {% include 'website/includes/css-config.html.twig' with { preventDarkTheme: false }%}
  58.                 {% endblock %}
  59.                 {% block category_css %}{% endblock %}
  60.                 {% block product_detail_css %}{% endblock %}
  61.             </style>
  62.             {# MATERIAL ICONS #}
  63.             <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">
  64.             {# TINY SLIDER #}
  65.             <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tiny-slider/2.9.4/tiny-slider.css">
  66.             {# MAIN CSS #}
  67.             {% block mainCss %}
  68.                 {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app') }}
  69.             {% endblock %}
  70.             {# CONFIG CUSTOM STYLES #}
  71.             <style type="text/css" nonce="{{ nonceHash }}">
  72.                 {% if debug or not isLocal %}
  73.                     {{ getCss('css')|raw }}
  74.                 {% endif %}
  75.             </style>
  76.         {% endblock %}
  77.         {% block configTags %}
  78.             {{ getMeta('meta_tags')|raw }}
  79.             {% include 'website/includes/integrations-script-head.html.twig' %}
  80.         {% endblock %}
  81.         {% block headScripts %}{% endblock %}
  82.         {% include 'website/includes/img-error.js.twig' %}
  83.     </head>
  84.     {% block bodyComplete %}
  85.         {% block bodyTag %}
  86.             <body id="body" data-theme="{{ isDarkTheme? 'dark':'light' }}"{% if isDarkTheme %} data-hide-deco="{{ hideBgDeco? 1:0 }}"{% endif %}>
  87.         {% endblock %}
  88.             {% block wrapLogin %}{% endblock %}
  89.             {% block wrap %}
  90.                 <div class="page-height">
  91.                     {% block menu_topo %}
  92.                         <div class="topo-bg">
  93.                             <div class="container">
  94.                                 {% include 'website/includes/menu.html.twig' %}
  95.                             </div>
  96.                         </div>
  97.                     {% endblock %}
  98.                     {# BODY #}
  99.                     {% block body %}
  100.                     {% endblock %}
  101.                 </div>
  102.                 {# NOTIFICATIONS #}
  103.                 <div class="fix-notifications fix-notifications-desktop" data-status="off">
  104.                 <div class="overlay overlay-notifications"></div>
  105.                     {% include 'website/includes/fix-notifications.html.twig' %}
  106.                 </div>
  107.                 {# MENU MOBILE #}
  108.                 {% block menuMobile %}
  109.                     {% embed 'website/includes/menu-mobile.html.twig'%}
  110.                         {% block content %}
  111.                             {# MENU MOBILE > SITE #}
  112.                             {% include 'website/includes/menu-mobile-site.html.twig' %}
  113.                         {% endblock %}
  114.                     {% endembed %}
  115.                 {% endblock %}
  116.             {% endblock %}{# -/wrap #}
  117.             {% block footer %}
  118.                 {% if isRestricted and user or not isRestricted %}
  119.                     {% block newsletterSection %}
  120.                         {# include 'website/home/newsletter-section.html.twig' #}
  121.                     {% endblock %}
  122.                     {% block socialSection %}
  123.                         {% include 'website/includes/social-section.html.twig' %}
  124.                     {% endblock %}
  125.                     {% block institutionalSection %}
  126.                         {% include 'website/institutional/institutional-section.html.twig' %}
  127.                     {% endblock %}
  128.                     {% if hasProducts or not isRestricted %}
  129.                         {% block stampsSection %}
  130.                             {% include 'website/includes/stamps-section.html.twig' %}
  131.                         {% endblock %}
  132.                     {% endif %}
  133.                 {% endif %}
  134.             {% endblock %}
  135.             {# OVERLAY BACKGROUND #}
  136.             {# *!!! <div id="overlay" class="overlay js--modal-fecha js--contextual-fecha js--close-menu-mobile"></div> #}
  137.             <div id="overlay" class="overlay" data-status="closed"></div>
  138.             {# SEARCH OVERLAY #}
  139.             {% if isDarkTheme %}
  140.                 {% include 'website/includes/search-overlay.html.twig' %}
  141.             {% endif %}
  142.             {# TOOLTIP #}
  143.             {% include 'website/includes/tooltip-container.html.twig' %}
  144.             {# COOKIES DISCLAIMER #}
  145.             {% include 'website/institutional/alert-terms-privacy.html.twig' %}
  146.             {# OVERLAY WARNINGS #}
  147.             {% block overlay %}{% endblock %}
  148.             {% include 'website/includes/integrations-script-footer.html.twig' %}
  150.             {% block javascripts_page %}{% endblock %}
  151.             {% block javascripts %}
  152.                 {% include 'website/includes/scripts.html.twig' %}
  153.                 {% include 'website/includes/websocket.html.twig' %}
  154.                 {# <script src="{{ cdnFontawesome }}" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> #}
  155.                 {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}
  156.                 {# CONFIG -- SCRIPTS #}
  157.                 {% block config_scripts %}
  158.                     {% if debug or not isLocal %}
  159.                         {{ htmlDecode(getScript('scripts', nonceHash))|raw }}
  160.                     {% endif %}
  161.                 {% endblock %}
  162.                 {% include 'website/includes/ead-rights-section.html.twig' %}
  163.                 {% include 'website/includes/sc-activate.html.twig' %}
  164.                 {% include 'website/includes/sw.html.twig' %}
  165.             {% endblock %}
  166.             {# TEST GUIDES #}
  167.             {# {% include 'test/includes/test-guides.html.twig' %} #}
  168.         </body>
  169.     {% endblock %}
  170. </html>